Rent Shop a Livorno, Via Grande lato Repubblica
Shop to rent a Livorno, CENTRO, Via Grande lato Repubblica with 50 Sq.m., 1 Rooms, G Energy Class, € 600 Annual costs, (3,05 mq) Maximum internal height, (50 mq) Sales area, (3 mq) Bathrooms, Illuminazione, (50 mq) Storehouse, Heating supply, Air Heating system, Legal standards Electrical system, Sewerage system, Legal standards Hydraulic system, Heating, Wifi, Insegna, (7 mq) Showcases .
Price: € 2.600,00
Main details
- Price€ 2.600,00
- Sq.m.50
- Rooms1
- Energy ClassG
- Annual Costs€ 600
Interior features
- Maximum Internal Height (3,05 mq)
- Sales Area (50 mq)
- Bathrooms (3 mq)
- Illuminazione
- Storehouse (50 mq)
- Heating Supply
- Heating System Air
- Electrical System Legal standards
- Sewerage System
- Hydraulic System Legal standards
- Heating
- Wifi
Exterior features
- Insegna
- Showcases (7 mq)